
23 October 2010

Prince Caleb

When we went on outreach to Botswana earlier this year we camped at each of the locations in which we ministered with the DTS students. My kids were actually amazing when it came to camping; very adaptable little guys. When it came to bedtime, we had to modify some of our "home" routine, one of which was story time. The flash light was too distracting to Caleb but then I couldn't read a storybook, which disappointed him. On the fly, I made up a story about a little boy named "Prince Caleb" and told one of his many adventures. Months later, the bedtime favorite is still "Mommy, please tell me a Prince Caleb story!"

Prince Caleb has had birthday stories, adventures with Thomas the Train, giraffes and other African animals, but no matter what Prince Caleb is up to, every story starts the same:

Once upon a time there was a little boy named Prince Caleb,
and he was prince of all the land.
His daddy was the king, and his mommy was the queen,
and his sister was the princess Adara.
They loved family and they loved God,
and God loved them and they were blessed.

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